Mutants and masterminds 3e builds giegue
Mutants and masterminds 3e builds giegue

mutants and masterminds 3e builds giegue

It's both DC and Marvel inspired and you don't have to know anything about the setting because I basically just made it up. This is a unique setting that's just a tongue in cheek normal superhero setting, you'll probably see a lot of expies in this game as well as some original characters. Well, here you are, so I assume you want to know more about the game.

mutants and masterminds 3e builds giegue

And making sure the villains paid their due. But it was The Warden and his team of volunteers who dedicated the rest of their lives to watching over the place. Professor Amazing designed the island prison himself using his advanced intellect and vast wealth, while Mama Louise warded the place herself for those pesky magic and supernatural creatures threatening our realm. Do you think anyone wants to know what would happen if he happened to turn loose the Hyena one day because the government tried to intervene? No, because the League of Righteousness decided a long time ago that regular jails couldn't handle the people they had to deal with and took the law into their own hands. No inquiry was done because the boss of this place, a man simply known as The Warden keeps the rest of the crazies in line. Gravity, who threatened to bring down the moon if they didn't fund his research? Beaten to death by guards in his cell. You think anyone cares what happened to Dr. It's a living hell for the inmates but the public turns a blind eye because where else are you going to store the absolute worst of the powered monsters that torment the world.

mutants and masterminds 3e builds giegue

Probably because the place would be shut down if the public ever got wind of half the things that happen there. It's an extensive vetting process to get a post here and not exactly a prestigious one, but the contents of the prison are classified. Even the guards don't come back the same, and the post is for life. This is where they put the undesirables that they don't want to hear from again. They say no one ever comes back from Blackhaven. This is it the last stop for all the worst powered scum, criminals and murders in the world.

Mutants and masterminds 3e builds giegue